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导演 Stephen Hopkins
主演 Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman and Monica Belucci


It's New Year's Eve on a small Caribbean island and the island's Chief Inspector (Morgan Freeman) is interviewing a prominent criminal attorney (Gene Hackman) who discovered the body of one of the victims of a series of brutal rapes and murders.

However, during the course of the night, the attorney slowly becomes the prime suspect. What begins as a cooperative conversation betweeen peers, descends into a night of intense interrogation between fierce adversaries.

The Chief Inspector embarks on a heart stopping journey through the attorney's family secrets and the very nature of the human psyche, trying to determine his guilt or innocence. And even when he's sure of the answer, he finds that the truth is other than what it seems, and leads to even more painful revelations.

Under Suspicion explores the darkest recesses of the human imagination, bringing to light the dangerous psychological ramifications of a guiltyconscience.

surfers' reviews 网友评语
相 思 树, Pahang, Malaysia
[posted on 4/20/2001 9:48:22 PM]

Gene Hackman + Morgan Freeman 两 位 老 戏 骨 大 斗 演 技, 单 是 这 一 点 已 经 值 回 票 价 啦! 虽 然 是 从 头 讲 到 尾, 但 是 一 点 也 不 会 闷, 尤 其 当 证 据 越 来 越 多, 心 情 也 会 跟 着 振 奋, 心 想 天 网 恢 恢, 始 终 是 疏 而 不 漏, 结 果 到 最 后 才 知 道 不 是 那 回 事。 呵, 人, 有 些 时 候 还 是 别 过 分 相 信 自 己 的 所 谓 判 断 力。

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