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《 亲 上 加 亲 》 喜剧 - 英语 |
Gilly meets and falls in love with a charming, beautiful - and klutzy - hairdresser, Heather Graham's Jo Wingfield. A passionate, physical romance develops before the sleazy private eye reveals the identity of Gilly's real mother: Valdine Wingfield - Jo's mother. Which they mistakenly think means... After Jo relocates to Oregon, the lovesick Gilly learns that Jo really isn't so, and he frantically pursues his one true amour. Along his journey, he gets help from double amputee Dig McCaffey, a pilot with a leg up on the comic action. But complicating matters for Gilly is Valdine, who conceals a secret from her daughter to insure that Jo's planned wedding to a millionaire Jack Mitchelson goes off without a hitch.
surfers' reviews 网友评语 Beanie, PaHang, Malaysia[posted on 4/30/2001 4:09:01 PM] 本来对这一部电影就没有很高的期望,只抱着轻松笑一场的心态入场;作为一部青春偶像爱情喜剧,导演算交足了功课了,要笑点有笑点,要帅哥美女有帅哥美女。长得高大英俊的Chris Klein生得逢时,近年来青春片有一定市场,多演几部,春天就来啦。另一个帅哥Eddie Cibrian虽然只是配角,倒也抢眼得很,令美女Heather Graham也逊色不少! |
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