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DRIVEN 动作 - 英语 |
Joe Tanto, a retired racecar driver, is offered a chance to return to the racing that he loves on the condition that he does it for a younger man's team. Jimmy Blye is the talented new hotshot driver, managed by his even more arrogant brother Demille. With young Jimmy as the star driver, Joe is needed to help meld Jimmy's personal life with the professional one and keep him on track. Knowing he still has what it takes to be a champion himself, Joe is hesitant, but agrees to the deal. Back in the pit, he comes face to face with his old nemesis: bitter racing rival Beau Brandenburg and his ex-wife Cathy. Beau has become a better driver over the passing years, and is proving to be the man to beat for the championship title. Cathy, a possessive woman when married to Joe, is now bitter as well and married to team driver Hugo. Both taunt Joe and call him a failure. Joe struggles to remain calm and lead Jimmy, but realizes that without mutual respect and understanding, Jimmy is a lost cause. When Jimmy gets personal with Beau's girlfriend Sophia, Joe intervenes and demands that Beau take her back. Beau agrees. Joe tells Jimmy that without a focus, he won't be able to win against seasoned professionals. DeMille thinks Jimmy can win no matter what and makes it hard for Joe to really show Jimmy what to do. Throughout this struggle, Joe confides in Loren, a supportive and intelligent reporter, and the two become intimate. For the first time in his life, Joe receives the love that he's wanted. As the championship approaches, the qualifying races are held. Jimmy finally concentrates, but when Hugo has a fatal accident, Jimmy foregoes safety and breaks his leg trying to pull Hugo from the wreckage. Joe feels all is lost, but with Loren's help he discovers there is much more to life than idle bickering, meaningless confrontation, and ultimately, even winning. He and Jimmy convince officials to let them race in the championship despite Jimmy's physical handicap. Together, they are able to defect Beau in the final seconds. Joe, a success, has finally found love with Loren and make peace with himself and the racing world.
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