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TOUT VA BIEN (ON S'EN VA) 剧情 - 其他 |
Three young women live in Lyon, full of the happy-go-lucky spirit of shared happiness. There is Laure, the big sister, who runs the household as well as the Tango school their father left behind. There is Beatrice, caught up in financial success. She is rich, generous and therefore believes she is indispensable. Then there is Clair, the youngest. She is a talented but unrecognized pianist. She gets on everyone's nerves but they like her anyway. Only normal, she's the baby of the family. Each of the three sister believes herself ot be vital to the others' happiness. Life is beautiful. They are blissfully ignorant of what lies in store for them: Louis, their father, is about to turn up after a fifteen-year absence. And when he does, it's every woman for herself... SELECTED: |
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