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SWORDFISH   动作 - 英语
导演 Dominic Sena
主演 John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, Vinnie Jones and Sam Shepard


There exists a world within our world. A world beneath what we call cyberspace. A world protected by firewalls, passwords and the most advanced security systems. In this world we hide our deepest secrets, our most incriminating information, and of course, a whole lot of money. This is the world of Swordfish.

Gabriel Shear (JOHN TRAVOLTA), a charismatic and dangerous spy wanting to finance his own brand of patriotism, needs to get inside this world. If he can get in, billions in illegal government funds wait for the taking. To actually steal the money, however, he'll need a superhacker, someone whose talents make even the most airtight security systems of the world look like child's play.

That's where Stanley Jobson (HUGH JACKMAN) enters the picture. One of the two best hackers on the planet, Stanley has been forbidden to get within 50 yards of the nearest electronics store after doing time for wreaking havoc on the FBI's controversial high-tech cyber surveillance operations. Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken-down trailer, penniless, alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning - his daughter Holly, whom he lost in a divorce.

Gabriel and his beautiful partner Ginger (HALLE BERRY) lure Stanley into their clandestine world, baiting him with the one thing he can't have - a chance to reunite with Holly and start a new life. But once Stanley enters their world, he realizes that nothing in this operation is what it seems and he has become a pawn in a plot that's a lot more sinister than a high-tech bank heist.

surfers' reviews 网友评语
Liz Ong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[posted on 12/13/2001 6:50:51 PM]

John Trovolta 是演艺圈的老将。 他所演的戏大部分都很有挑战性。 这一套也不例外。 戏里,他是一个非常厉害的人。他用的全都是人才, 他不会走眼的。他利用其中一个主角来作饵,调虎离山之计,最后, 令到每一个人都以为他死了,真厉害。只有那个主角知他已远走高飞了。

红豆, Bendong , Pahang ., Malaysia
[posted on 6/27/2001 4:45:15 PM]

以 为 又 是 一 般 的 动 作 片, 观 影 之 后 却 不 能 不 说 一 句 :剧 情 紧 凑 又 刺 激 ,动 作 片 拍 到 这 样 ,也 够 了 吧!

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