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Jante, Denmark, 1915. The young Espen is full of romantic ideas of becoming a writer, and desperate to escape a life of grinding poverty in the local ironworks. An offer of work on board a departing ship by Irish sailor, John Wakefield, seizes Espen's imagination and he jumps at the chance of advanture on the high seas. Espen idolises John, his liberator and his friend but, en route to the redwood forests of Newfoundland, he discovers that John is not what he seems. When Espen is caught suggling food supplies on board ship, John betrays him to the sadistic captain, and Espen is brutally whipped. Confused and afratd, Espen risks his life and jumps ship. Washed ashore, he finds himself in a little village called Misery Harbor, where he finds work, but he is horrified to find that John Wakefield is there too. John manages to persuade Espen of his innocence, but shows his true colors again when a battle for the affections of local girl Eva ends in bitter jealousy. Unable to deal with his second humiliation at John's hands, Espen hunts him down in a drunken eage and stabs him. Oslo, 1932. Listening to his tale, Jenny doubts Espen is capable of murder. Realising how much he needs Jenny, Espen retells the conclusion to his story, and this time resolves to tell the truth; but the truth can not only be stranger than fiction, it can be incomparably worse. NOMINATED: Language: In Danish/Norwegian/English
surfers' reviews 网友评语 栀子花, K.L., Malaysia[posted on 6/22/2001 10:23:28 PM] 入场之前以为又是那种高格调叫好不叫座的文艺闷片,结果却有跌破眼镜的惊喜。 男主角长得很帅哦,虽然不知道他叫什么名字。而且他的表现也很出色,被人步步相逼的无奈,让观众为他着急,而且文质彬彬,也同时具有戏中文人的气质。几位女主角跟他排在一起,立黯然无光。 这部戏的故事蛮大胆的,也甚具争论性,奸角对男主角做了那么多过分的事,居然是因为觊觎男主角的‘美色’!另外,男女主角的爱情也来得没道理,女主角又老,难教人信服。 |
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