徐 克
郑 伊 健 、 张 柏 芝 、 章 子 怡 、 古 天 乐 、 谭 耀 文

Zu is an ancient mythic province, where the underworld, the material world, and the enlightened world intersect. It is at here that the force of good and evil collide in an ultimate battle...Grand Mater Longevity of the Omei Sect leads his disciples, Xuan Dan, to battle Insomnia and his evil sorcerers. The deadly duel causes destruction and chaos on an immense scale. In the midst of the battle Dan's careless mistake lets Insomnia escape into the Chin-Yu Lair. Dan is then ordered to guard the lair looking out for Insomnia's next move. Meanwhile, Grand Master Longevity decides to go to the enlightened world seeking greater power to subdue Insomnia. He reveals that only the combined power of the scared Violet and Sapphire swords and the unity of the swordsmen can defeat the force of evil. The Master then entrusts Dan with overlooking the Omei Sect and guarding "Distant Brilliance", the magical flame that will take him back to the material world. Zhang and Ying , learning to maneuver the combined power of the Violet and the Sapphire swords but to avail. Xuan knows this is because the two can't free themselves from earthly desires. Xuan himself is secretly in love with Ying, but he puts his own feeling aside for the battle against evil. Xuan tries to help Zhang and Ying to attain enlightenment. Instead Zhang uses his magic power and creates and altered ego, Lian who is unskilled in material arts and combative. This unexpected outcome meant the training has to start over. It now seems doubtful that anyone will learn to maneuver the Violet and the Sapphire swords in time...
Over at the Chih-Yu Lair, Dan befriends Amnesia out of the two quickly fall in love. In comparison, Xuan and Ying have to sacrifice their affections for each other for the training. But as times goes by love slowly forges between the two. Xuan, desperately seeking a breakthrough in his training, swallows Master Longevity's "Distant Brilliance" and is on the verge of losing his conscience. As other swordsmen fail to find a cure, it is Ying who saves Xuan in the critical moment. The incident furthers the two's relationship. Dan comes to Amnesia's rescue when her enemies are hunting her down. As Amnesia dies from her wounds, Dan draws her blood and spirit into his own body hoping to possess her eternally. Turns out Amnesia are Insomnia scheme to gain control of Dan's mind. Insomnia subsequently orders the swordsmen to steal the Voilet and the Sapphire swords from the Omei Sect.
surfers' reviews 网友评语 nicholas, ipoh, Malaysia [posted on 12/21/2001 11:51:27 PM]
还没看这一套戏之前, 朋友对这部戏的影评都不是很好, 所以就不是抱着很大的期望去看了... 可是当看完这一套戏之后, 却觉得没有想象中差呢...反而 还觉得这部戏很不错...这部戏有很多画面都是电脑制成的. 画面太过于先进, 所以看起来有点假. 无论如何, 是一个很 好的尝试. 在戏里面, 除了张柏芝有很好的发挥之外, 我觉得 饰演她的徒弟那位, 都很不错.相反的, 谭耀文和章子怡就 没有什么可以发挥到了... 整部戏里, 我最喜欢及最有FEEL的地方就是古天乐叫郑伊健 杀他的时候...哇!!!古天乐一句"杀!", 郑伊健一句"杀!" 简直就是感动死人了... 整体来说, 感觉还不错.
osl, k.l, Malaysia [posted on 9/29/2001 10:47:26 AM]
还没看这一套戏之前, 朋友对这部戏的影评都不是很好, 所以就不是抱着很大的期望去看了... 可是当看完这一套戏之后, 却觉得没有想象中差呢...反而 还觉得这部戏很不错...这部戏有很多画面都是电脑制成的. 画面太过于先进, 所以看起来有点假. 无论如何, 是一个很 好的尝试. 在戏里面, 除了张柏芝有很好的发挥之外, 我觉得 饰演她的徒弟那位, 都很不错.相反的, 谭耀文和章子怡就 没有什么可以发挥到了... 整部戏里, 我最喜欢及最有FEEL的地方就是古天乐叫郑伊健 杀他的时候...哇!!!古天乐一句"杀!", 郑伊健一句"杀!" 简直就是感动死人了... 整体来说, 感觉还不错.
osl, k.l, Malaysia [posted on 9/29/2001 10:45:33 AM]
还没看这一套戏之前, 朋友对这部戏的影评都不是很好, 所以就不是抱着很大的期望去看了... 可是当看完这一套戏之后, 却觉得没有想象中差呢...反而 还觉得这部戏很不错...这部戏有很多画面都是电脑制成的. 画面太过于先进, 所以看起来有点假. 无论如何, 是一个很 好的尝试. 在戏里面, 除了张柏芝有很好的发挥之外, 我觉得 饰演她的徒弟那位, 都很不错.相反的, 谭耀文和章子怡就 没有什么可以发挥到了... 整部戏里, 我最喜欢及最有FEEL的地方就是古天乐叫郑伊健 杀他的时候...哇!!!古天乐一句"杀!", 郑伊健一句"杀!" 简直就是感动死人了... 整体来说, 感觉还不错.
osl, k.l, Malaysia [posted on 9/29/2001 10:44:24 AM]
还没看这一套戏之前, 朋友对这部戏的影评都不是很好, 所以就不是抱着很大的期望去看了... 可是当看完这一套戏之后, 却觉得没有想象中差呢...反而 还觉得这部戏很不错...这部戏有很多画面都是电脑制成的. 画面太过于先进, 所以看起来有点假. 无论如何, 是一个很 好的尝试. 在戏里面, 除了张柏芝有很好的发挥之外, 我觉得 饰演她的徒弟那位, 都很不错.相反的, 谭耀文和章子怡就 没有什么可以发挥到了... 整部戏里, 我最喜欢及最有FEEL的地方就是古天乐叫郑伊健 杀他的时候...哇!!!古天乐一句"杀!", 郑伊健一句"杀!" 简直就是感动死人了... 整体来说, 感觉还不错.
chunjia sio, seremban, Malaysia [posted on 9/9/2001 2:38:29 AM]
蜀山....哎呀..我是抱着很大的希望看这部电影.可惜..这部电影很闷 啊!我看着....看着..竟然睡着了..虽然电影有很多电脑制作,可惜真的很闷人.我朋友也是看着戏睡着了.喜欢看电脑制作的人可能会喜欢,但是整个故事就是不停的发展,没时间让观众歇歇.整体来说 不好看!!(可能太过分了)10 分 我给 4 分
