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《 全 职 杀 手 》 动作 - 中文 |
托 尔 狂 妄 自 大 不 顾 后 果 , 杀 人 是 他 生 存 的 动 力 , 目 标 是 坐 上 杀 手 的 第 一 把 交 椅 , 如 果 没 有 O , 他 的 梦 早 已 唾 手 可 得 ; 最 终 , 两 位 无 可 匹 敌 的 杀 手 , 一 场 无 可 避 免 的 决 斗 。 结 局 , 两 个 只 能 活 一 个 ..... surfers' reviews 网友评语 Chee Yong Eric Ew, 柔佛, Malaysia[posted on 9/12/2001 10:30:02 PM] 一部充满真实故事情节的电影,戏里男主角的枪法准确,手法干净利落,绝无留下半点蛛丝马迹。女主角美丽的脸孔,看了叫人心粹,在戏中感情反复不定的她,到最后做出勇敢的抉择,不顾一切的冲向枪林弹雨之中,与男主角冲锋破阵,闯出个未来。在剧中,演员表情实足,决无冷场。 Chee Yong Eric Ew, 柔佛, Malaysia [posted on 9/12/2001 10:28:41 PM] 一部充满真实故事情节的电影,戏里男主角的枪法准确,手法干净利落,绝无留下半点蛛丝马迹。女主角美丽的脸孔,看了叫人心粹,在戏中感情反复不定的她,到最后做出勇敢的抉择,不顾一切的冲向枪林弹雨之中,与男主角冲锋破阵,闯出个未来。在剧中,演员表情实足,决无冷场。 Helen Wong, KL, Malaysia [posted on 8/31/2001 1:45:31 AM] Full Time Killer is actually not a Cantonese movie. Most of the dialogue is spoken in English and Japanese. Even between the Chinese cast, namely Simon Yam and Andy Lau, the exchange is in English. Takashi of course only spoke in Japanese. Anyway, this movie started out with a bang. Lots of seemingly senseless killing and bloodshed. The two main characters are direct opposites, i.e. Andy's character is lively and boisterous while Takashi's character is cool and reserve but both have a common trait. They are both professional killers. Unlike other movies of this nature, where the main characters are always a cop and a killer, this movie is about two killers out to prove who is no. 1 in the profession. Andy and Takashi are both quite good in their respective roles. Not exactly a great movie but nevertheless worth watching. |
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