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Based on true stories, TEXAS RANGERS follows the fate of one legendary Ranger: Leander McNelly(DYLAN MCDERMOTT) who led a band of unlikely characters,(JAMES VAN DER BEEK, USHER RAYMOND, RANDY TRAVIS,ASHTON KUTCHER and ROBERT PATRICK)-- many of them young, inexperienced men-- in a battle with the renegade outlaws who made the Texas frontier the most dangerous place in America. It was a time when Mexican banditos were raiding the border, Indian tribes were battling for their tranditional lands and settlers were pushing west by the thousands lured by the promise of a new life. The rustic country along the Rio Grande River was in chaos as gangs raided farms and family ranches, then took refuge south of the river, beyond the reach of local sheriffs and the U.S.Army. Only the Texas rangers had a chance to turn the tide and bring justice back to the people. TEXAS RANGERS recounts the tale of how his group of wild, restless cowpokes from diverse backgrounds formed an agency that was outgunned and out-manned by criminals, yet became an undefeatable force.
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