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I AM SAM 剧情 - 英语 |
Nomination: Synopsis: Faced with a seemingly unwinnable case, Sam vows to fight the legal system and forms an unlikely alliance with Rita Harrison(Michelle Pfeiffer), a highpowered, selt-absorbed attorney who initially takes his case pro bona as a challenge from her colleagues. On the surface the two couldn't be further apart, but in reality they are subtly similar. Sam's compulsive nature mirrors Rita's more socially acceptable absessive-compulsive nature. Her manic need for perfection and success alienates her from own son and has been slowly destroying her self-worth. Together they struggle to convince the system that Sam deserves to get his daughter back and, in the process, fuse a bond that results in a unique testament to the power of unconditional love.
surfers' reviews 网友评语 Wen Yuen Look, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia[posted on 5/8/2002 4:11:50 PM] Love is by nature! It goes over any barrier of mentally handicapped as Sam has got! It shown us the power of loving kindness and the humanity one should have! peter choo, KL, Malaysia [posted on 4/5/2002 1:53:42 PM] SO THIS WAT I SEE FOR THIS MOVIES WHICH IT REALLY TOUCHING N HELPING ME TO UNDERSTANDING.LOVING N GRATEFULL ABOUT MY LIFE THIS WILL ANOTHER MOVIES TEARS MY HEART. |
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