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決戰異世界:未來復甦3D 动作 - 英语 |
當莎倫娜醒來脫逃後,卻發現在高科技的未來世界裡,狼族與吸血鬼不只勢力不在,還淪為人類撲殺的獵物。正當狼族與吸血鬼陷入慌亂求生之際,莎倫娜還發現,有一個更具毀滅性的神祕生物進逼威脅,讓這場人、狼、吸血鬼三角大戰更撲朔迷離……。 UNDERWORLD AWAKENING brings a stunning new dimension to the epic battle between Vampires and Lycans, as the first film in the franchise to shoot in 3D. Kate Beckinsale, star of the first two films, returns in her lead role as the vampire warrioress Selene, who escapes imprisonment to find herself in a world where humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans, and are conducting an all-out war to eradicate both immortal species.
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