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梅蘿(吉娜卡拉諾 飾)是個身手矯健、外型冷艷的神秘特務,她受雇於不存在任何官方資料庫的地下組織,專門橫越全球執行政府不敢出面的危機任務。然而當梅蘿接到一項必須在愛爾蘭境內完成的例行任務時,她發現自己的身分遭到背叛曝光,而成為所有國際間諜的刺殺目標。 性命危在旦夕的梅蘿,必須運用智慧、武裝、與所有身為特務的技巧與直覺,逃過重重殺陣返回美國,瓦解遭到內賊滲透的組織與背後更致命的陰謀主使! 談到飾演女主角的全美格鬥冠軍吉娜卡拉諾,導演史蒂芬索德柏說:『在片場的時候吉娜是每個男人最注意的目標,她又幽默又美麗身材又好,所以把電影裡的其他男主角像是查寧塔圖、伊旺麥奎格、安東尼奧班德拉斯等演員迷得團團轉,不過大家都很有共識,只要一開拍就得離她遠一點,因為她的拳腳功夫都是來真的。』 Beautiful freelance covert operative Mallory Kane is hired out by her handler to various global entities to perform jobs which governments can't authorize and heads of state would rather not know about. After a mission to rescue a hostage in Barcelona, Mallory is quickly dispatched on another mission to Dublin. When the operation goes awry and Mallory finds she has been double crossed, she needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape an international manhunt, make it back to the United States, protect her family, and exact revenge on those that have betrayed her.
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