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Saving Mr. Banks 大夢想家 剧情 - 英语 |
為了履行與女兒的承諾,迪士尼先生費盡心力說服原著作者售出版權,沒想到這個承諾居然花了近20年的時間都尚未達成。固執保守的崔佛斯太太始終認定好萊塢電影的商業行為將會毀了筆中神奇褓母的創意,直到小說熱潮退去,利潤短缺的情況下,崔佛斯太太才勉強答應從倫敦飛去洛杉磯”聽一聽”迪士尼先生對於這部作品的規劃。 在她拜訪的短短兩個星期,迪士尼先生費盡全力,提出許多拍片方案,甚至找來薛曼兄弟作曲,但始終無法打動挑剔敏感的崔佛斯太太,正當迪士尼先生苦惱計畫一籌莫展之際,他從崔佛斯太太的作品中發現她童年的陰影,才終於打開她的心房,也完成了《歡樂滿人間》這部獲獎無數的經典電影。 A biographical drama film about the production of the popular 1964 Walt Disney Studios film "Mary Poppins", starring Tom Hanks as filmmaker Walt Disney and Emma Thompson as author P.L. Travers. The film centres on the life of Travers, shifting between 1907 with her childhood in Queensland, Australia, the negotiations with Walt Disney and the making of Mary Poppins in the 1960s. While in California for filming, Travers thinks back to her difficult childhood in Australia, most especially to her father, the inspiration for the role of the story's patriarch, Mr. Banks.
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