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Saving Mr. Banks 大夢想家 剧情 - 英语
导演 John Lee Hancock 約翰李漢考
主演 Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Annie Rose Buckley 湯姆漢克斯 柯林法洛 艾瑪湯普遜

Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks 大夢想家

改編自真實故事的《大夢想家》,由奧斯卡金獎影后艾瑪湯普森與影帝湯姆漢克分別飾演兩位經典人物,一位是作家P.L. 崔佛斯,另一位則是鼎鼎大名的華特迪士尼先生,故事描述當年迪士尼先生如何成功地將家喻戶曉的經典作品「歡樂滿人間」推上大螢幕的辛苦過程。當年由P.L. 崔佛斯所創作的膾炙人口小說作品「歡樂滿人間」深深受到大人小孩的喜歡,就連一手打造全世界最歡樂的地方的迪士尼先生也不例外,他的女兒們懇求父親一定要將這個故事翻拍成電影,讓她們的想像成真。



A biographical drama film about the production of the popular 1964 Walt Disney Studios film "Mary Poppins", starring Tom Hanks as filmmaker Walt Disney and Emma Thompson as author P.L. Travers. The film centres on the life of Travers, shifting between 1907 with her childhood in Queensland, Australia, the negotiations with Walt Disney and the making of Mary Poppins in the 1960s. While in California for filming, Travers thinks back to her difficult childhood in Australia, most especially to her father, the inspiration for the role of the story's patriarch, Mr. Banks.

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