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Tank 《延长比赛 Keep Fighting》

类别:华语 | 男歌手

继2006年一张《 Fighting 生存之道 》,擅长词曲创作、吉他钢琴演奏、编曲、演唱、舞蹈于一身的吕建中(Tank)的第二张创作专辑《延长比赛Keep Fighting》,收录了新歌“给我你的爱”和“专属天使”,“专属天使”是偶像剧《花样少年少女》的片尾曲,这是吕建中自己创作的抒情歌,施人诚作词。另一曲“给我你的爱”描述恋人展开了新的恋爱,再是另一首令人窝心的情歌。 * 2006年“销售排行”、“铃声下载排行”、“线上点播排行”之新人三冠王,媒体公认七年级音乐小霸王! * 暖身歌曲“非你莫属”(林依晨演唱之东方茱丽叶片尾曲,TANK创作亲声演译版)网路线上抢鲜听,24小时空降排行榜冠军,歌迷都说太好听 * 首播强力主打“街头霸王”耗资400万10分钟电影版国际级制作,爆炸性视觉焦点,势必横扫年轻人流行话题 预购赠送歌迷期待以久,四首HIT歌珍贵创作DEMO CD 1、 BABY(S.H.E原唱好人有好抱) 2、 超越极限(飞轮海原唱我有我的YOUNG) 3、 雪与泪(飞轮海原唱夏雪) 4、 给我你的爱(DEMO版)

刀郎 《刀郎Ⅲ》

类别:华语 | 男歌手






amber 《feel good music》

发行:Eastern Records Sdn Bhd
类别:西洋 | 女歌手
推荐:we need love

Her smoldering, sexy look may remind you of internationally-famous pop stars like Mandy Moore, but her warm ways and winning smile are distinctly Pinoy.

She is Amber (full name: Amber Alejo Rowley), a potential Fil-American pop superstar whose song is currently dominating the airwaves. Billed as the most exciting female solo act of 2006, Amber, dubbed as the country's Pop Jewel, is the voice behind the current radio favorite, Manila.

Manila is the first single off Amber's album entitled Feel Good Music. The album ?which launched at the Hard Rock Cafe Makati in a launch-cum-concert last July 15, 2006 was presented by Magic 89.9, Storm Watches London and No Curfew Watch Store and sponsored by Volvo, Gold's Gym, Jancen Cosmetics Surgery and MYX. The album features 12 all-original songs.

The other songs on the album include In This Place, Jungle, So Beautiful, Ikaw Ang Buhay Ko, See You Soon, He's Not You, All For Nothing, I Need, We Need Love, Daddy and the title track, Feel Good Music.

Although most people mistake it for being a cover of the Hotdog song of the 70s, Amber's first single, Manila, is actually an original track inspired by her memories of her early years in the country.

Born in Mesa, Arizona to a Filipino mother and American father, Amber spent the first few years of her life in the US. When she was five years old, the family moved back to the Philippines and to her mother's hometown of Malolos, Bulacan. After a while, they relocated to Angeles, Pampanga because of her father's work. They were living in Pampanga when Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991.

Even then, Amber was already a born performer. As a child, she appeared in several TV commercials and made guest appearances on local television shows.

After high school, the family moved back to the US, choosing to settle in Los Angeles, California so Amber could pursue her dreams of a singing career. She started off working with different touring groups, and doing background vocals for artists like Hillary Duff. In 2004, Amber was signed to NBA player Dale Davis' record label, W.A.R entertainment. She recorded two singles for the movie soundtrack Playa's Ball.

After her contract expired, Amber moved to Osaka, Japan where she worked as a lead vocalist for the popular rock and hip-hop stage show Enwhy at Universal Studios.

After finishing her contract with Universal, she flew to the Philippines to see what opportunities were available. They sent out bios and demo CD's, and at least four different record companies showed interest in signing her up. In the end, however Amber gave her nod to Viva Records because of its reputation and track record at building up recording stars.

Amber says that like other Fil-foreign music starsuch as Apl.de.Ap of the Black Eyed Peas, Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls and Mutya Buena, formerly of the Sugababeshe is proud of her heritage.

"I carry all that with me, and that's what I want to do: take the Filipino culture and incorporate it into my music," she says.

All of the songs on her album reflect Amber's pride in her being Filipino. "I may have grown up abroad, but even when I was there, a part of me was still here," says Amber. "Now, I want to come here and give back. I want to establish my roots."

She is very excited that already, her music seems to have found an audience. The song is number one on various radio countdowns and its music video is starting to climb the charts. Its infectious beat and lyrics that inspire Filipinos to embrace their culture and be proud of it has struck a resounding chord in listeners everywhere.

Amber's debut album is available in CDs and cassettes in all major record stores nationwide, from Viva Records.

林强 《惊蛰》

类别:华语 | 男歌手
推荐:桃李莲花红 千年铁树开 1

睽违 12 年,一位备受国际肯定的音乐达人,台湾的音乐骄傲 - 林强 / 全新“立体音画”概念创作专辑!   轰动 2005 年法国坎城影展现场演出、崭新音乐风格再创时代潮流!“15 首全新创作音乐歌曲 CD” 加赠 “3 首歌曲动画 MV 与专辑完整介绍之 DVD”   充满时尚的节奏律动与流畅的音符节拍,加上多首林强个人的魅力演唱歌曲, 用音乐营造一个多层次的文化想像空间,对这块土地的热爱与浩瀚华人文化孺慕的融合!   ※ 首波主打歌:It’s All For You   曲风轻快,同以国语与台语演唱的一首都市抒情小品   ※ 第二波主打:View   充满新世纪音乐的弛放曲风,舒缓而流畅的一曲时尚音乐   ※ 强力推荐曲:西北雨直直落   嚷嚷上口的知名童谣,融合电子音乐元素全新演唱诠释   中年男人的中年惊蛰,是人生的态度,也是对音乐反刍后所得到的一缕清香。   没有了什么都不怕的血气方刚,在这几年的蛰伏摸索后,步入中年的他,用他最擅长的音乐,来说出他对这块土地及周遭人事物的想法,用他独树一格的顺畅旋律声线来表现多层次的感知。   如初春南国天空般的变幻多貌,多种层次的声响与拍脉,在不同时空聆听会得到截然不同的气韵。   在立体音画概念下,运用台湾的生活素材,让不认识台湾的人透过音乐想像台湾的样貌。林强与法国 MK2 公司合作以“立体音画”概念创作的一张“惊蛰”专辑,在台湾地区特地加赠一张超值 DVD,其中包括三轨与故宫合作的音乐 MV 主打歌,以及专辑完整介绍和林强的相片集锦,结合故宫的古画,台北的街景,乡村的丛林鸟叫以及时尚风华的灯光幻影,充满创意的想像空间,让人大为惊叹激赏。   “惊蛰”里听得到大锣、中国乐器、歌仔戏等声音,加上他的个人歌曲演唱,又有“西北雨”电民谣、台语吟诗、夜市里招揽客人的呼喊等非常台湾的元素,专辑里使用的语言是国语、台语、英语和法语。   林强这次一手包办所有的创作与演出,还有一首是清新电气团 NYLAS 为短片《神的孩子》所创作的主题曲-Through The Night的混音 Remix 版本;以及三首使用在侯孝贤导演新作《最好的时光》中的电影配乐!   充满时尚的节奏律动与流畅的音符节拍,加上多首林强个人的魅力演唱歌曲,用音乐营造一个多层次的文化想像空间,展现对这块土地的热爱与浩瀚华人文化孺慕的融合!

林俊杰 《2006就是俊杰世界巡回演唱会》

类别:华语 | 男歌手

林俊杰 (JJ) 的世界巡回演唱会在新加坡、马来西亚、武汉、 天津和上海举行,《2006就是俊杰世界巡回演唱会》专辑收录了39首现场影音作品和23首情歌,观众可以欣赏到世界级水准的林俊杰超级演唱会。巡回演唱会具有强大的视觉和听觉的冲击力,让劲爆的现场展现给歌迷。此次演唱会从组织策划、乐队和制作班底是由内地、港台、新加坡和马来西亚的精英团队负责,是华语歌坛顶尖合作。   专辑收录了 JJ 演唱会幕后花絮全记录,且收录了最完整的林俊杰现场纪录,包括∶“未来世界”、“一千年以后”、“木乃伊”、“编号89757”、“开场白”和“翅膀”等情歌,他还献唱了周杰伦(“黑色幽默”)和王力宏(“唯一”)等的经典曲目。《2006就是俊杰世界巡回演唱会》的舞台十分华丽和炫目,观众也可感受到演唱会的无比热闹气氛。林俊杰表演了众多的情歌,包括从大气势开场的“木乃伊”和“编号89757”,让歌迷惊喜不断。林俊杰演唱“翅膀”、“原来”和“简简单单”等耳熟能详的歌曲,让观众从完美的歌声中回忆林俊杰一路来的成长。

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