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卫兰 《Morning》

类别:西洋 | 女歌手

Janice 在2005年凭翻唱黎明金曲「我这样爱你」和「情深说话未曾讲」的英文版而走红,转眼间推出了四张专辑。继去年《Serving You》,Janice 回归音乐的最基本,以她最擅长唱的英文歌唱出自我。

《Morning》是 Janice 出道以来首张全英文歌专辑,十首原创英文歌的曲风由爵士乐、法式惰怀、骚灵、摇滚至田园小品不等。主打歌「Rainbow」由新加坡音乐人Taz为她度身订做,以彩虹的七彩颜色来传达爱的讯息,Janice 在曲中演绎高音部分,尽显功架。碟内亦收录了她较早前为为宣扬毒害的讯息的禁毒歌曲「999」,曲中以节奏强劲令青少年有所共鸣。

《Morning》CD 只此一版,绝不加推第二版。

王若琳 《Start From Here》

类别:西洋 | 女歌手
推荐:Start From Here

西洋的诺拉琼斯 日本的小野丽莎 台湾的 Joanna
朱卫茵 林暐哲 张悬 联名推荐的好声音

Joanna 首张个人专辑start from here 前后历经二年多的制作,参与录音的乐手和录音师们包含了许多西洋流行乐界的顶尖好手,带给joanna 的专辑生命力以及极富层次的美感。

  这张专辑收录了丰富的曲目。包含了7首原创英文歌,3首 joanna自己的创作,2首西洋经典的翻唱,以及5首国语歌曲。希望从各种不同的角度让大家感受 joanna的声音魅力。

  Joanna 的歌声受到各界人土的肯定和喜爱,其中“迷宫”以及“I love you ”被选为“华视 美味关系”的插曲,而“有你的快乐”以及“因为你爱我”也被选为“公视 我在垦丁.天气晴”的片头曲以及片尾曲。


amber 《feel good music》

发行:Eastern Records Sdn Bhd
类别:西洋 | 女歌手
推荐:we need love

Her smoldering, sexy look may remind you of internationally-famous pop stars like Mandy Moore, but her warm ways and winning smile are distinctly Pinoy.

She is Amber (full name: Amber Alejo Rowley), a potential Fil-American pop superstar whose song is currently dominating the airwaves. Billed as the most exciting female solo act of 2006, Amber, dubbed as the country's Pop Jewel, is the voice behind the current radio favorite, Manila.

Manila is the first single off Amber's album entitled Feel Good Music. The album ?which launched at the Hard Rock Cafe Makati in a launch-cum-concert last July 15, 2006 was presented by Magic 89.9, Storm Watches London and No Curfew Watch Store and sponsored by Volvo, Gold's Gym, Jancen Cosmetics Surgery and MYX. The album features 12 all-original songs.

The other songs on the album include In This Place, Jungle, So Beautiful, Ikaw Ang Buhay Ko, See You Soon, He's Not You, All For Nothing, I Need, We Need Love, Daddy and the title track, Feel Good Music.

Although most people mistake it for being a cover of the Hotdog song of the 70s, Amber's first single, Manila, is actually an original track inspired by her memories of her early years in the country.

Born in Mesa, Arizona to a Filipino mother and American father, Amber spent the first few years of her life in the US. When she was five years old, the family moved back to the Philippines and to her mother's hometown of Malolos, Bulacan. After a while, they relocated to Angeles, Pampanga because of her father's work. They were living in Pampanga when Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991.

Even then, Amber was already a born performer. As a child, she appeared in several TV commercials and made guest appearances on local television shows.

After high school, the family moved back to the US, choosing to settle in Los Angeles, California so Amber could pursue her dreams of a singing career. She started off working with different touring groups, and doing background vocals for artists like Hillary Duff. In 2004, Amber was signed to NBA player Dale Davis' record label, W.A.R entertainment. She recorded two singles for the movie soundtrack Playa's Ball.

After her contract expired, Amber moved to Osaka, Japan where she worked as a lead vocalist for the popular rock and hip-hop stage show Enwhy at Universal Studios.

After finishing her contract with Universal, she flew to the Philippines to see what opportunities were available. They sent out bios and demo CD's, and at least four different record companies showed interest in signing her up. In the end, however Amber gave her nod to Viva Records because of its reputation and track record at building up recording stars.

Amber says that like other Fil-foreign music starsuch as Apl.de.Ap of the Black Eyed Peas, Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls and Mutya Buena, formerly of the Sugababeshe is proud of her heritage.

"I carry all that with me, and that's what I want to do: take the Filipino culture and incorporate it into my music," she says.

All of the songs on her album reflect Amber's pride in her being Filipino. "I may have grown up abroad, but even when I was there, a part of me was still here," says Amber. "Now, I want to come here and give back. I want to establish my roots."

She is very excited that already, her music seems to have found an audience. The song is number one on various radio countdowns and its music video is starting to climb the charts. Its infectious beat and lyrics that inspire Filipinos to embrace their culture and be proud of it has struck a resounding chord in listeners everywhere.

Amber's debut album is available in CDs and cassettes in all major record stores nationwide, from Viva Records.

Enya 《Amarantine》

发行:Warner Music
类别:西洋 | 女歌手
推荐:If I Could Be Where You Are,Long Long Journey,Amid the Falling Snow.

时隔五年之久,爱尔兰最为著名的女歌手之一Enya发行了最新的个人专辑《Amarantine》。Enya说专辑名代表的意思是“永恒”。尽管Enya已经成功发行了多张畅销专辑,全世界的歌迷听Enya也已似乎已经成为了一种习惯,但当这位独成一派的天籁美声再度发行新专辑的时候,依然吸引了全世界歌迷的目光。专辑《Amarantine》在发行后的第一周以17万8千张的销量排在本周Billboard 200 专辑榜的第八位。 在这张新专辑《Amarantine》中,Enya依然与词作者罗马·莱恩(Roma Ryan)制作人尼基·莱恩(Nicky Ryan)这两位发行1988年的经典专辑《Watermark》时的黄金搭档合作。虽然Enya发片速度稍慢,但这张用五年时间等来的专辑的确没有让人失望。富有古典韵味的厚重的合成器伴奏,标志性的飘渺嗓音,再加上诗意的歌词,这些都表明Enya对于“保持自我风格与创新”这个所有音乐人都需要面临的问题解决得很成功,在音乐上不断寻求创新的Enya并没有失去自我。对于Enya来说,优秀似乎已经成为了她的一种习惯。 在专辑同名歌曲《Amarantine》中,Enya非常有创意的将慢版的华尔兹节奏作为歌曲的主线。另外,《If I Could Be Where You Are》,《Long Long Journey》和《Amid the Falling Snow》等多首旋律优美的歌曲都让我们感觉仿佛置身仙境......对于Enya,也许过多的语言只会打破她所营造的这种优美意境。

Emi Fujita 藤田惠美 《Camomile Plus - A Special Album to All My Friends》

发行:InterGlobal Music Malaysia
类别:西洋 | 女歌手
推荐:Moon River,What A Wonderful World,Unchained Melody.

藤田惠美首次独立于Le Couple的个人专辑。远赴挪威,与当地的艺术家一起制作这张以心灵放松治疗为主的英语人声专辑。专辑起名《Camomile》正是希望以甘菊的助眠特性来帮助聆听者得到一种精神上的松弛与享受。藤田惠美的嗓音甜美温柔,怎么听都不会产生听觉疲劳,正适合纯净的享受

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